Marthe Howitz at Culterim | Backshop | Gesundbrunnen
Marthe Howitz @ Culterim | Backshop
07. Dezember 2023, Culterim | Backshop
Opening: 07. Dezember 2023, 6pm
Another first Thursday of the month, another Culterim | Backshop.
Culterim Gallery presents a work from an artist for one evening at CULTERIM | BACKSHOP. We
invite you to come by, have a drink and chat with us.
Marthe Howitz, born in Dresden in 1990, studied 'Music and Movement at the Berlin University of
the Arts, Contemporary Arts Practice at the Bern University of the Arts (Switzerland) and received
her diploma in sculpture at the Berlin Weißensee School of Art in summer 2023.
Her work focuses on her origins and the discourse on normative body forms. She tries to find
intersections in the everyday, to enlarge them, to reduce them, both spatially and temporally, and
to enable the viewer to access them. She uses various media of expression to achieve this. Each
theme calls for its own material. She is very enthusiastic about handicraft and immersing herself in
the material. In addition to ceramics, she uses etching, performance and photography as a
medium of expression.
Opening hours:
07. Dezember - 6pm - 10pm
Culterim | Gesundbrunnen | Backshop
Brunnenstraße 107, 13355 Berlin
Near S+U Bahnhof Gesundbrunnen