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13.09. - 17.09.2023
chair2chair by 2chairs-Collective e.V. at Culterim | Gesundbrunnen


13. - 17.September, 2023, Culterim | Gesundbrunnen | Rossmann & Handyshop & Backshop

Opening: 13.September, 2023, 7pm

In the exhibition “Chair-2-Chair. Contemporary positions on portraiture” artists are taking on the theme of portraits – each in their own way – for Berlin Art Week 2023. A portrait represents more than its sitter, and often more than its maker. Created by artists looking for honesty in their own times, there is no clear definition of what makes a portrait a portrait. The face can be a window to history or a window to the soul. A facade to hide behind. The portraits presented by 2chairs artists are classical, abstract, wearable, reduced to circles and intersecting lines, pieced together on textiles, surreally stretched to new dimensions, reduced to their bare bones, or have become emotions with no human features.

The 2chairs-Collective e.V. was founded in 2023. It represents international, Berlin-based artists who were successful in another career and later made art their full-time occupation. Some members still sit professionally on two chairs, others bounce back and forth between them. 2chairs artspace are: Lena Ash, Jac Carley, Scott Culley, Camila Piana, Sabine Kontny, Stefano Loiacono, Bernd Reichert, Josephine Riemann, Sarah Schultz, Sandra Stops, Jungwen Yao.

With artworks by:

Annabelle Eugenia

Bernd Reichert

Camila Piana

Jac Carley

Jingwen Yao

Josephine Riemann

Lena Ash

Sabine Kontny

Sandra Stops

Sarah Schultz

Scott Culley

Stefano Loiacono

Opening days:

13. September - 19:00 - tba

14. September - 14:00 - 21:00

15. September - 14:00 - 21:00

16. September - 12:00 - 21:00

17. September - 12:00 - 21:00


13. September - ManiFashion Show (Stefano Loiacono)

14. September - 6pm | Letter-Writing Evening (Memorial Society, FAR Berlin, Demokrati-Ja)

15. September - 7pm | Music/Dance Performance (EchtZeitPerformance)

16. September - 6:30pm | Salon des Artistes

17. September - 4:30pm | Drink&Draw Berlin (Life Study Drawing Session)


Culterim | Gesundbrunnen | Rossmann & Handyshop & Backshop

Brunnenstraße 107, 13355 Berlin

Nähe S+U Bahnhof Gesundbrunnen

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