07.10. - 09.10.2022
Physical Prospects at Kaiserdamm
Performance text
A landscape of bodies, moss, concrete. The landscape is at rest. A bubbling seeks its way. Cracks condense, deform the landscape, bring it to life - destroy it. Physical Prospects lingers in this place of decay: in the opening interstices it traces the violence of the Anthropocene. The choreographic dialogue between body and landscape searches for ways to endure the vulnerability and rage together, manifesting a counter-design. Queer perspectives on grief and rage set their own fragility as a resistant anchor point in physical prospects. What can such resistance look like, how does it feel, how does it materialize?
Choreography, Performance & Costume Design: Nora Tormann // Set Design: Helena Rauch // Sound Design: Zofía Tomczyk // Lighting Design: Raquel Rosildete // Choreographic Assistance: Soroa Lear // Artistic Assistance: Elsa Mencagli // Production Management: Chris Wohlrab // Press Relations: Anita Goß // Public Relations: Aurora Kellermann // Video Documentation: Svenja Simone Schulte // Graphics: Ksenia Apresian // Sound engineering: Antto Logy // Photos: Oliver Look
October 7 + 8 + 9, 2022, at 8:00 p.m.
Culterim I Former Air Raid Shelter Charlottenburg
Kaiserdamm 102, 14057 Berlin
15,- Euro | reduced 10,- Euro (plus advance booking fee)
Tickets and info: https://tatwerk.tickets.de/
Introductory event: 08.10.22 at 19:00 with ‘Theaterscoutings Berlin’.
Please register at: info@tatwerk-berlin.de